Give a Gift in Your Will

Give a Gift in Your Will

Give back to your roots to enable your community future to grow

Once you have made provision for family and loved ones remember where you’re from and the causes you care about.

A gift in your Will to the Community Foundation is a gift to the causes and places that will matter in the future.

You can decide whether to support a particular cause or people in a specific place or allow us to allocate your gift according to the most pressing current needs.

Remaining flexible and able to meet needs well into the future is an important part of any legacy, by working through the Community Foundation you can achieve this.

Talk to us and see how we can ensure your wishes are fulfilled,


What your gift can do ...

  1. Your gift will make a lasting difference to the causes, people and places you care about. You can support communities and specific projects that will help your community in the future.
  2. Say thank you, give back to where you are from or support an issue you are passionate about.
  3. With over 40 years experience in giving, we can ensure your gift goes exactly where you want it to go to make the most impact in the long term.
  4. Has the power to transform the lives of others, your gift will go directly to the places and causes that matter to you.
  5. Like you, we have thought about the future. Our Fund for the Future will make a difference to your community and its changing needs. No matter when this is, we will make your gift count.

Gifts in Wills are as easy as a donation and only take one phone call to a solicitor.

What to consider when leaving a gift in your Will

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Leaving a gift in memory of a loved one

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We match donations to increase your impact

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The only thing you need to leave a gift in your Will to the Community Foundation is our registered address and charity number;

The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland

Community House

6a Albert Street


BT12 4HQ

Registered Charity Number: NIC105105

A gift in a Will that is still going strong after 260 years

The Gill’s Charity was established in 1761 from the Will of Henry Gill Esq, Alderman of Carrickfergus. As well as outlining who should receive his sword, waistcoat and diamond cut stone buttons set in gold, Henry Gill’s Will also stipulated that the residual value of his estate be used; “for the annual support and maintenance of fourteen aged men, decayed in their circumstances and that are not able to get a maintenance to themselves.”

Who to speak to

logo inspiring generosity square

Nadine Campbell

Director of Fundraising & Philanthropy

logo inspiring generosity square

Nadine Campbell

Director of Fundraising & Philanthropy

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