A Brighter Future….

Your Stories

A Brighter Future….

8 Oct 2019

By Jill Robinson 

Flourish provides long term tailored support to survivors of human trafficking within Northern Ireland. 


We work to empower survivors to be able to lead safe, independent, resilient lives. Aiming to provide a ‘brighter future’ for these clients recognising that someone’s past does not determine their future.


We work closely with the community through intensive one to one casework support taking a whole person approach. Everyone’s journey is different and we recognise this therefore the services we offer are very much led by the needs of each individual client making integration into local communities a seamless process. 


Through the generosity of the Tampon Tax Fund we were awarded £5,070 for our sewing project. This funding enabled us to purchase sewing machines and run a course teaching participants sewing from the basics right through to being able to produce their own items. Incorporated within this we also developed a soft skills course which aimed to prepare individuals for work experience and employment.


For those that took part in the course the outcomes have been tangible. Throughout this course we have seen an immense improvement in the confidence of the participants, their mental health has improved, new skills have been learnt and friendships made. We have witnessed individuals less stressed and anxious. Having to concentrate fully on task enabled clients to become immersed in what they were doing and unwind. It also encouraged all involved to become more creative and pursue other creative classes.


What participants had to say about our sewing project:

“I took a walk around Belfast and felt capable of doing that for the first time. I was able to do this as my confidence increased as a result of sewing class. “

“Through sewing classes I have felt encouraged in both my abilities and personality”


One other girl had made a bag and held it up during class and said she couldn’t believe she was able to make something like that. She was clearly very proud of herself and what she had achieved. 

Survivors of human trafficking have been subjected to unimaginable trauma, so activities that promote positive mental health benefits are a key component to recovery.

Thanks to the Tampon Tax Fund, clients of Flourish have seen improved mental health and emotional well-being and increased confidence and skills. 


Apply and see what impact you can achieve >> Apply here. 


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