Commoning Possibilities

Our Impact

Commoning Possibilities

Grant Awarded: £87, 795

Project Team

Garvagh Development Trust, Rural Community Network; Anne McMaster (Independent Artist); St Columb’s Park House

Our Vision

The rights of citizens to help in the management and care of shared natural resources are recognised by central and local government contributing to the challenge of addressing climate change, biodiversity loss and wellbeing priorities.

Project Aims

To identify, connect and inspire citizens and supporting institutions in the co-management and care of St. Columb’s Park and Garvagh Forest

By delivering this project we hope to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Citizen Panel Members become more skilled, engaged, knowledgeable and confidently proactive in the practice of commoning, participatory budgeting. & project planning
  • Citizens grow their innovation in identifying, deliberating, discussing and responding to complex problems within each locality with public officials and institutions (e.g. within natural resource management)
  • Citizens grow their innovation in identifying deliberating, discussing and responding to complex problems within each locality with public officials and institutions (e.g. within natural resource management)
  • The delivery of an effective pilot to test out assumptions and explore models of co-management of St Columb’s Park and Garvagh Forest.
  • Effective advocacy leading to shift of mindset and practice with relevant institutions and with citizens & VCSE orgs on the rights of citizens to take care of and manage the forest and the park.

For more information on the Commoning Possibilities project, or to follow progress of our Civic Innovation project;

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