Foundation News
15 Jun 2021
The Community Foundation opens first dedicated Irish language support fund.
The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland has today, (17th June) opened the Ultach Fund for applications from communities across Northern Ireland who wish to use and promote the Irish language. Registered charities, voluntary and community groups can apply for grants of up to £2000.
Orla Black, Grant Director at the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland explained:
“We look forward to supporting Irish language projects across Northern Ireland. This is the first dedicated Irish language fund we’ve managed and we are looking forward to working closely with the community and building relationships with them. In support of this, we have appointed an Irish language grants assessor and groups can choose to submit funding applications in Irish or English.”
The fund is open to registered charities and constituted grass roots community and voluntary groups based in Northern Ireland, who can apply for grants of up to £2000. Priority is given to applications from small groups, typically with an annual income of less than £250,000.
Orla continued:
“The Fund will support areas including Irish language classes or social events for adults and will fund projects with a cross-community focus. Running costs, such as tutors and venue hire, will be eligible, as well as small capital costs, if they are essential to the project.
The original Iontaobhas Ultach Trust was established in 1989 to promote the Irish language as part of Northern Ireland’s shared cultural heritage. During its lifetime the Trust invested over £2million in a wide range of Irish language projects, classes, social events, publications, competitions, research, resources, and education projects. The Ultach Trust formally closed March 2021 and its remaining assets transferred to establish a new fund within the Community Foundation.
The closing date for applications is 7th July, 1pm. For further information, click here.
Osclaíonn an Fhondúireacht Phobail an chead chiste atá tiomnaithe don Ghaeilge.
Osclaíonn Fondúireacht Phobail Thuaisceart Éireann an Ciste Ultach inniu le haghaidh iarratas ó phobail fud fad Thuaisceart Éireann ar mian leo an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn. Is féidir le carthanais chláraithe, grupaí pobail agus grúpaí deonacha cur isteach ar dheontais suas le £2,000.
Thuairisc Orla Black, Stiúrthóír Deontas le Fondúireacht Phobail Thuaisceart Éireann:
“Tá muid ag tnúth le tacaíocht a thabhairt do thograí Gaeilge fud fad Thuaisceart Éireann. Seo an chead uair a dhéanfaidh muid bainistiú ar chiste atá tiomnaithe don Ghaeilge agus tá muid ag dúil le bheith ag comhoibriú agus ag forbairt nascanna leis an phobal. Le cuidiú linn chuige sin, tá measúnóir deontas le Gaeilge ceapaithe againn agus is féidir le grúpaí iarratas ar dheontas a chur isteach i nGaeilge nó i mBéarla.”
Tá an Ciste oscailte do charthanais chláraithe agus grúpaí pobail le bunreacht agus grúpaí deonacha atá bunaithe i dTuaisceart Éireann. Is féidir leo cur isteach ar dheontas suas le £2,000. Tugtar tús áite d’iarratais ó ghrupaí beaga, go hiondúil, a bhfuil ioncam bliantúil faoi £250,000 acu.
Dúirt Orla:
“I measc na rudaí a mhaoineoidh an Ciste, tá rangana Gaeilge, imeachtaí sóisialta do dhaoine fásta agus tograí a bhfuil gné thrasphobail leo. Beidh costais reatha, mar shampla, costais theagascóirí agus cíos ionad incháilithe, chomh maith le mionchostais chaipitil, más riachtanach don togra iad.”
Ba in 1989 a cuireadh tús leis an Iontaobhas Ultach bunaidh, leis an Ghaeilge a chur chur cinn mar chuid d’oidhreacht chomhroinnte Thuaisceart Éireann. D’infheistigh an tIontaobhas thar dhá mhilliún punt i réimse leathan tograí Gaeilge, rangannna, imeachtaí sóisialta, foilseacháin, taighde, acmhainní agus tograí oideachais. Dhruid Iontaobhas Ultach i mí Mhárta 2021 agus aistríodh fuíoll a chuid acmhainní chuig an Fhondúireacht Phobail le ciste úr a bhunú.
Is é 07/07/21 an dáta deiridh le haghaidh iarratas. Má tá tuilleadh eolais uait, gabh chuig